Staffing and Contingent Workforce Management Tips and Advice | Bridge VMS

The Role of Leadership: Inspiring and Motivating a Temporary Staff Workforce

Written by Matthew Cook | Oct 31, 2023

For many firms, contingent workers have become an essential component of the workforce. Temporary employees are essential, whether they are stepping in during busy times, working on short-term projects, or offering specialized knowledge. 

However, it takes great leadership to inspire and motivate these people, who might not have the same level of long-term dedication as permanent staff. 

Having Specific Expectations

Temporary employees must understand what is expected of them. Clear performance standards, deadlines, and objectives should be established by leaders. Temporary employees are more likely to remain motivated and dedicated if they can see how their contributions fit with the goals of the firm.

Recognition and Feedback

Being recognized is a strong incentive. Leaders should Value and acknowledge  the contributions made by temporary employees. Public or private praise helps people feel like they belong and motivates them to keep working hard. Additionally, constructive criticism encourages them to develop professionally.

Inclusive Work Environment

Leadership should foster an inclusive work environment where temporary employees are valued as integral members of the team. Encourage their active participation in discussions, contributions to projects, and collaboration with long-term staff. Creating an inclusive atmosphere fosters a sense of belonging, motivating temporary employees to fully dedicate themselves to their tasks..

Skill Development Opportunities

Leaders should provide ways for temporary employees to advance their careers. Investing in their professional development displays a commitment to their development and future success, whether it be through giving them access to training programs, mentorship, or on-the-job learning opportunities.

Empowering Autonomy

Give temporary workers a degree of control over their work to give them more power. They are more likely to feel involved and motivated when they have the freedom to make choices and take responsibility for their work. Of course, assistance and direction should always be accessible when required.

Offering a Sense of Purpose

Leadership should explain the organization's overarching goals and how temporary employees fit within that framework. Temporary employees may experience a feeling of purpose that inspires motivation and dedication when they can see how their job affects the organization's mission.

Professional Networking Opportunities

Leaders can help temporary employees network professionally both inside and outside of the company. Promote participation at trade shows, seminars, and conferences. By exposing temporary workers to fresh perspectives and experiences, networking not only offers avenues for professional advancement but also inspires them to work harder.

Developing Long-Term Relationships

Building long-lasting relationships with contingent workers should be a leadership priority. Although their tenure with the company may be brief, these ties can result in insightful information, recommendations, and even future return engagements. Keeping good relationships ensures a talent pool of motivated individuals for upcoming projects.

Fostering a Growth Mindset

Temporary workers might be taught a growth attitude by their leaders. Encourage children to view difficulties as chances for growth and development. Give people the tools and assistance they need to learn new skills or take on bigger responsibility. 

A growth mindset encourages adaptability and the desire to take on new challenges, which helps with motivation and personal progress.

Celebrating Significant Events and Successes

Leaders can jointly commemorate key milestones and accomplishments in addition to continuous acknowledgment. 

Celebrating these milestones strengthens a culture of success and inspires temporary employees to pursue greatness, whether it's finishing a project ahead of schedule, hitting a performance milestone, or attaining a personal goal.

Encouraging Innovation and Creativity

Leaders should create a culture where temporary employees are encouraged to provide fresh ideas. Encourage them to offer their distinctive insights and solutions. Temporary employees are more likely to be engaged and inspired to innovate when they perceive that their ideas are valued and can contribute to the success of the firm.

Promoting Work-Life Balance

Companies should prioritize promoting a well-rounded work-life balance for temporary employees. It is essential to allow them the flexibility to take time off when needed and to ensure they are working reasonable hours. Encouraging a healthy lifestyle not only enhances their overall well-being but also reduces the risk of burnout and fosters long-term motivation.

Feedback as a Two-Way Street

While executives should offer feedback to temporary employees, they should also encourage those employees to share their thoughts on their interactions with the company. Leaders are better able to handle issues quickly and implement changes that will benefit both temporary and permanent employees when there is open and honest communication.

Crisis Management and Support

During times of crisis or high-pressure situations, effective leadership is crucial in providing support and guidance to temporary personnel. It is essential to reassure them that there are resources available to help them navigate through difficult circumstances and that their well-being is a top priority. This kind of assistance not only boosts motivation but also fosters a sense of security among temporary employees.

Diversity and Inclusion Advocacy

Leaders need to actively promote inclusion and diversity among temporary workers. Encourage diverse recruiting practices and foster a culture where people from all backgrounds are appreciated and welcomed. Teams with diversity and inclusivity are frequently more inspired and creative.

Measuring Impact and Sharing Success Stories

By monitoring and sharing success stories, leaders may show how temporary worker contributions have a positive impact. Emphasize the specific ways in which temporary employees have contributed to the success of the organization. 

Sharing these success stories encourages others to perform at their highest level and strengthens the sense of purpose.

Changing Leadership Approaches

The styles of those in charge should change to accommodate the demands and preferences of temporary employees. Some people might respond better to a hands-on approach than others, and some people might do better with greater autonomy. 

The ability to recognize these variations and modify one's leadership style in response improves engagement and motivation.


Beyond standard methods, leadership plays a more important role in inspiring and motivating a workforce of temporary employees. 

Effective leadership makes sure that these people not only do their tasks but also feel inspired, motivated, and valued in a quickly changing corporate environment where temporary staff are vital contributors to organizational success. 

Setting the groundwork for a motivated, adaptive, and results-driven contingent workforce, leadership that goes above and beyond in inspiring and encouraging temporary workers eventually contributes to the growth and success of the organization.